Humpday Happy Hour Interview with Dr. Greg Grobmyer

Dr. Greg Grobmyer practiced clinical dentistry in Tennessee for over a decade before chemotherapy from a cancer battle left him with numb fingers. Using the knowledge he derived from working with multiple practice consultants over the years, he began lecturing and coaching dental offices nationwide on their systems, culture, marketing, and communications. In addition, he wrote on dental topics for numerous publications and websites. Outside of dental industry publications, he has also appeared in Reader’s Digest, New York Magazine, Men’s Health, Slate, Insider Magazine, and others. He even spent a few years moonlighting in standup comedy. He is currently the Chief Editor of Dr. Charles Blair’s Dental Coding with Confidence book and Practice Booster’s Insurance Solutions Newsletter, a contributing editor to the Dental Administration with Confidence, Dental Technology with Confidence, and Dental Documentation with Confidence books, a course creator and lecturer for, a Revenue Enhancement Program Specialist, and host of The Dental Code Advisor Podcast.

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