TOP 1% OF ALL (yes that is ALL) PODCASTS! Now, that is awesome. We can't wait to chat with Dr. Melissa Seibert, DMD, MS. It's always exciting to share the show with like minded people who are on similar missions. She is just that!
About Dr. Seibert:
Dr. Melissa Seibert, DMD, MS is the creator and host of the Dental Digest Podcast and CEO of Dental Digest LLC. She is the 2022 recipient of the “Top 40 Dentists Under 40” award from Incisal Edge Magazine. She founded the Advanced Interdisciplinary Mastermind. In 2020 and 2021, her podcast was awarded "Most Educational Podcast in General Dentistry,” and it reaches a global audience of thousands of dentists. It is in the top 1% of all podcasts globally. She is a dentist proudly practicing in the U.S. Air Force (USAF). She received her DMD at the University of Louisville. Prior to that, she received her BS and commission as an officer from the USAF Academy. Seibert is a graduate of the USAF’s one-year advanced education in general dentistry (AEGD) residency program. From there she went on to complete the Air Force's highly competitive "A-program" - a two year comprehensive dentistry training program. She is well trained in multiple disciplines and procedures, such as intravenous sedation, complex third-molar exodontia, digital dentistry workflow, limited orthodontics, dental materials, periodontal surgeries, and esthetic dentistry.