Aug. 30, 2023

DINKS with Dr. David Leader of Tufts University School of Dental Medicine

DINKS with Dr. David Leader of Tufts University School of Dental Medicine

Let's talk "Issues in Evidence Based Medicine" with Dr. David Leader!  This interview was incredibly eye opening on the impacts of biased research in the dental community and the constant quest for clinicians to find and implement evidenced based dentistry!

Dr David Leader is an associate professor at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine where he is the director of emergency services and co-director of the DMD/MPH dual degree program. Dr Leader is a lead author of the Massachusetts Oral Health Guidelines for Pregnancy and Early Childhood, Massachusetts Department of Health, March 2016. He is a contributor to Carrasco-Labra, et al. How to Use Evidence-Based Dental Practices to Improve Your Clinical Decision Making, American Dental Association. Chicago, Il. 2020. Dr Leader is the chair of the education committee of the Massachusetts Dental Society.

The goals of this conversation this week will be as follows:

Learn how to identify sources of bias in scientific papers.

Understand how authors and publishers may prevent bias in scientific papers.

See examples of how industry may promote their products by managing research, publication of research, and influencing researchers and guideline committees.