If you've ever wondered what the meaning of having a "Servant's Heart" is, this is the show for you. Our guest is on a mission to provide dental care to the underserved population of Montana and beyond. Her mission is inspirational and you won't want to miss this one. Crystal Spring, BSDH, RDH, LAP, grew up on the Fort Peck Reservation in Montana and has more than 23 years in hygiene. Her experience includes her own mobile dental hygiene business, nonprofit, mentorship program, grant writing, and interprofessional education. Spring has spent the majority of her career working to improve oral health disparities in vulnerable populations. She has been an ADHA Trustee, ADHA/HuFriedy Master Clinician, 2019 Sunstar RDH Award of Distinction recipient, 2020 Today’s RDH Honor Award recipient, and a recipient of the Dimensions Six Dental Hygienists You Want To Know.